Not just a VoiceOver – these are some of the additional services I offer. Find out more below, and contact me to find out more.
Voiceover Recording
In my professional recording studio with a dedicated vocal booth I will record and deliver your project in any format, in super-quick turnaround time. I'll work to ensure you are 100% satisfied with the end product
I can edit as much or as little of your audio as you require. Raw files or the full works; either is no problem. I can eq, compress, limit, master and process to your requirements. I can handle all post-production and deliver to your end client. I also provide edit-only services.
My studio is on the edge of the Peak District in Sheffield. I also have a base in London and can easily travel to a Soho studio at the drop of a hat, or anywhere in the country of your choice.
Delivery in any format from WAV to mp3; direct to ftp, Box, dropbox via ISDN, ipDTL, SourceConnect, Cleanfeed and many others. Your preferred file format and method of delivery - not a problem.
I have recorded thousands of projects and have years of experience in delivering copy material. I write copy for other clients, and can help you too. I can edit your text with you so it flows in the way you intend to your end-user.
As a professional musician, and one who works with many other recording artists I can write and produce music and SFX to suit your project. I can even edit and add your own choice of music to your project, saving you editing costs.
I work with many other voice artists on a regular basis, so if there's a particular type of voice, gender, age or native accent you're after, get in touch. I can source and provide the exact voice you require. I also cast 'hard to find' voices with rare accents or languages.
Actor Voice Reels
I write, produce, edit and deliver voice reels for actors, specialising in agency reels, commercial reels, corporate reels and radio drama reels. Prices start from £250 for a full bespoke service. Get in touch to find out more!
Get in Touch
To find out more about these additional services or to discuss your project, contact me here
My rates are incredibly competitive and I’ll work to accommodate your budget as best I can. My ‘BSF’ (or ‘basic studio fee’) covers any pre-production work, my time and expertise to record your script, hire of the studio, insurance, hire of equipment, editing and audio cleanup, delivery of audio files in any format you desire.
As an Equity member I work to the Equity ILR rate card for radio commercials, and Usefee for TV usage. For other areas the GFTB rate card can be a useful guide for antipicated costs. See my Terms and Conditions for further details
If you’re not exactly sure what you need, no problem! Get in touch and we can talk through the options. It would help to have as much info as possible beforehand: the word count, where when and for how long it’s going to be broadcast (internal, web, tv, radio etc).
I work with you, for you, to your budget.